Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Every Continent (Almost)

So I still have not been to Antarctica, but I now have been to Africa for a few days. Everywhere I go, things are very different from everywhere else I have been. I spent two days in Nairobi at a cool little hotel. I applied to the Peace Corps and am in Africa to visit a friend in the field and do some volunteer work. At the hostel we had a 4th of July party and I met about 15 peace corps volunteers. It was great to get about 12 one-on-one interviews, very productive and fun stay.

I am currently on my peace corps test. Nic (a friend from Pleasanton) and I spent 4 hours crammed into a matatu (bus) to go to his site. He has no power, pays someone to bring water, and has a small kerosene stove. This place makes southern Utah look lush and wet. Everything is red from exposed soil and everything is covered in dust.

I am helping Nic with a water pump to bring water from a subsurface dam to the village. Nothing is working. It is interesting and I am using some of the boring parts of firefighting to help. I think that I have a more lucid idea of what the Peace Corps has to offer, but every country and project is so different that there is no way to know what I might be getting into.

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